Friday, October 29, 2010


If you are reading this, you obviously already know about our blog.  You may or may not know that we also have BRAND NEW, REAL, HONEST-TO-GOODNESS, NO-KIDDING WEBSITE.  The website (see the "Useful Links" section to the right) will be used for more official sorts of communication and will feature access to many useful references including the Cadet Field Manual (CFM), the Cadet Reference Manual (CRM), our unit calendar of events, required cadet knowledge, and much more.  This blog will be more social its focus and will continue to include the weekly challenge, photos and short stories on recent events, a announcements of coming events.  Although this may sound complicated, you will be able to navigate easily between the two; just remember, THIS site is more socially oriented and THAT site is more official in nature.  HOO-YAH, isn't modern technology wonderful?