Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As I was rudely reminded this morning, it's been some time since I updated the blog.  Here goes:

  • Our awards ceremony and change of command will be next Tuesday, 7 June, at 6:30 p.m. in the large gym.  The uniform will be Steak and Gravies.  All cadets are expected to attend.  At this ceremony we will recognize outstanding cadets and install next year's cadet leadership. 
  • PT testing will take place after school this week, weather dependent.  Come out and earn a ribbon.  To participate you MUST have a current health risk screening questionnaire, a standard release form, and a completed sports physical on file. 
The End of Days.

The end of the school year is right around the corner--are you ready for next year?  Are you on track to graduate and ready to be successful after high school?  This isn't a question for graduating seniors--they should have answered it at least a year ago--it's a question for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  Are you thinking about life after high school?  If you want to go to a four-year college, do you know where?  What matters to you--location, size, setting, cost?  Do you know what you want to study?  Do you know how much it will cost?  Do you know the job prospects in your field of interest?  If you plan on going to OCCC after graduation, are you ready to make it a profitable experience, or are you just planning on going there because it's the easiest thing to do.  These are some of the questions you should be answering, or at least really considering, right now.  Before you realize it, you too will be graduating and living with the decisions you make now--making the wrong ones will cost you time, money, and happiness. 

Today's WOD is criterion.  A criterion (the plural is criteria) is an attribute or characteristic that matters to you.  For example:  Fedorka decided that the location of prospective colleges was the most important criterion to be considered when choosing a college.