Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This Tuesday was our first uniform day.  As you know, cadets are now being inspected during their assigned class as opposed to before school as we did the last couple of years.  Overall, it wasn't too bad.  Remember that your military aptitude counts for approximately half of your overall grade.  Do the math: 
  • Assume a cadet earns an "85" in classroom academics--they come regularly, participate in class, and do OK on the test.  The same cadet misses 3 uniform days without an excuse or makeup.  When they are in uniform they look OK, but not great.  Pull out your calculator and average 0, 0, 0, 80, 90, 90, 70, 80, 80, 90.  The answer is 58.  58 and 85 averages to 71.5, which would be recorded as a 72. 
  • Assume the same cadet earns only a "75" in classroom academics.  75 and 58 averaged together is 66.5, which would be recorded as a 67.  Still passing, but barely.
My point is that you have to take both the classroom academics and the military aptitude seriously.  Most cadets bilge themselves because they blow off academic requirements and aren't serious about wearing the uniform.  It ought to be easy to get an 85 or 90 in Naval Science, but it does take some effort.  Your Naval Science grade goes into your academic average with the same weight as any of your regular classes.  You ought to work hard in all your classes, but wouldn't it be better to have Naval Science pull up your average rather than having it pull your average down after you worked hard in Chemistry, but got a 67 in Naval Science because you didn't wear the uniform as required?

Meeting the uniform requirement is your responsibility.  A big part of our program is learning to take commitments and requirements seriously.  Excuses that you might think are valid will not work with us. There are occasionally acceptable explanations, but here are a few excuses that will not be accepted:
  1. I forgot.  (Check the calendar posted on our website.  Pay attention in class.)
  2. My mom didn't wash it.  (It's not your mom's uniform.)
  3. My pants don't fit. (Bring your pants in and we will exchange them.  If you don't have a pair because they are being fitted, we will give you an excuse.  This will work for one week, but not often more than that.)
  4. I lost my garrison cap.  (You should have been more careful.  You owe us $8.00)
  5. I left my uniform at my girlfriend's house.  (Too bad.)
  6. I don't have any black socks.  (Really?  Visit the retailer of your choice.)
  7. It got wrinkled in my locker. (Take your uniform home and wash it.  Cold cycle.  Hang it up and let it air dry.)
ROTC ought to represent a serious commitment on your part.  If it doesn't, and if you don't plan on changing, you probably ought to drop the course. 

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