Thursday, October 20, 2011


An omnibus was a horse drawn covered cart that followed a regular route around town--it was called an omnibus because it would take almost anyone almost anywhere.  When Congress passes an act that addresses many issues they call it an omnibus because, like an omnibus, it is so versatile.  Since I will address many issues today, you can think of this as an omnibus blog posting.  Hang on, here we go:

* Our Dining-in is scheduled for Tuesday, 1 November at the American Legion at 185 Waywayanda Avenue.  This dining-in is an special annual event during which the freshman class is officially recognized as members of the NJROTC unit.  The evening features a traditional entrance, parading of the beef, formal and informal toasting, a POW/MIA remembrance ceremony, and frivolity controlled by Mr. Vice.  Everyone is expected to attend.

* Annual Pushup challenge.  We are participating again in the national annual pushup challenge.  We are planning on doing at least 58,276 pushups between 11 November and 30 May in memory of our Soldiers, Saliors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who gave their lives in the Vietnam conflict.  We have established a supplemental goal of reaching 100,000 pushups by the end of the year.  Cadets may participate in this effort on a voluntary basis at the start or conclusion of each class.

* Commander's Cup Competition.  You've all seen the occasional challenges I post on this site.  Winners of this challenge will be eligible to participate in the Commander's Cup competition and will be recognized during the year end awards ceremony.  Those eligible so far:  Cadets Ferguson, Lloyd, Soriano, and Barone.  Good luck. 

* Bethel Drill Meet.  We will participate in the annual Bethel High School NJROTC Invitational Drill Meet on Saturday, 19 November.  If you are a member of the drill team, make plans now.  Don't show up needing a haircut, shave, missing uniform items, or not having a clue.

* A continuation board will be convened shortly to consider whether those holding cadet staf billets will continue in their jobs.  Those whoa re relieved will revert to their class rank and the billets will become open and available for others to fill.  Selections will be made based on the ability of the cadet to fill the billet.

* Tricky Tray.  Our annual Tricky Tray has been rescheduled to Friday, 2 December.  This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and everyone is expected to participate.

* Finally, the Ugly Baby continues.  Where are all the entries?

* Unit website.  Get used to checking the unit website for information, including our schedule of events, academic information and assignments, general knowlege, and other useful things.  Don't be clueless.

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