Monday, December 19, 2011


It has been mentioned that I have been remiss is updating this blog.  Sadly, this is true.  Here's a quick summary of the latest NJROTC news:
  • We're on track to attend the Linden Drill MLK Memorial Drill Meet on Monday, 16 January 2012. 
  • Our annual 500 ticket raffle raised over $1,200.
  • We will be hosting a pancake breakfast at Applebee's on Saturday, 14 January.
  • We are planning a Winter Festival at the American Legion on Thursday, 19 January.  Details to follow.
  • The ASVAB will be given here from 12 to 3 p.m. on Friday, 27 January.
  • Congratulations to those who have earned promotion to cadet seaman.  For the rest of you, why not?  We will select the first few freshmen cadet third class petty officers in February.
  • We may reconfigure the unit as a battalion after the break.  Stay tuned.
We're almost half way through the year now.  By now you've seen, or shortly will have seen, three sets of grades (first interim report, first marking period, and the interim report for the second marking period).  If you're not doing as well as you had hoped you would, you should at least know why.  There's plenty of help available. If your NJROTC average is not 85 or better, you probably aren't wearing your uniform regularly.  Failure to wear your uniform properly will really hurt your grade.  We expect you to wear the uniform correctly all day.  Included in the grade is your personal grooming (haircut and shave), jewelry and makeup, and cadet knowledge.  Are you ready?  Here are a few unacceptable reasons for not being in correct uniform:
  • "I didn't know."  (It's your responsibility to know.)
  • "I'm getting a haircut next week."  (Good for you, but your too late.)
  • "I got up too late."  (Should have set your alarm clock.)
  • "I was cold."  (Your short waist jacket is sufficient for wear anywhere in school.)
  • "I don't know where my shirt is."  (Wow!)
  • "My uniform is in the wash." (Your uniform is your responsibility.  I can't give your Mom a failing grade, so I guess I'll give it to  you.)
Here is a much shorter list of acceptable excuses:
  • I had an approved absence. (Must make it up.)
  • I had a scheduled field trip.
  • I have video proof that I was abducted by aliens who stole my uniform so they could infiltrate the Area Four headquarters and steal Commander Hankin's brain.  (Show me the video!)
Here's the latest cadet challenge:  This challenge is closed.  No winners.  No credit assigned.How sad.
  • For seniors:  How high is up.  Explain.  Half as high as twice as high.  Duh!
  • For juniors:  Why is a traditional nautical mile 2,000 feet long?  Because a traditional nautical mile consisted of 1,000 fathoms of 6 feet each.  You could have looked this up, you lazy cadets.
  • For the FROSH:  You are on a game show. You are presented with a choice of 3 doors: behind one is a luxury car, and behind the other two are nothing. The host asks you pick one of the doors. After you do this, as part of the game he opens one unpicked doors which he knows is empty. There are now only the door you picked and one remaining door which are unopened. You are asked if you would like to switch your choice. Should you switch? Yes.  When you pick the first time you have a 1/3 chance.  If you were to pick again, you would have a 1/2 chance.  (Caveat:  There are many who would question whether this choice is beneficial or necessary, but the math works.)
The above challenges will end at 0730 on Thursday, 23 December.  Good luck! 

The Commander contemplates interim grades.

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