Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have been asked by several cadets to provide a new challenge.  Yippie-skippie, to think I get paid for this!  The challenge will be in the form of a treasure hunt.  I have taken a token (actually a penny, which I marked so that is is uniquely recognizable) and hidden it somewhere in the building or on the school grounds.  I will provide a series of hints until the token is located and returned to me.  Since this will be a multi-part challenge, I will offer a $10 prize.  No outside clues will be given.  Anything I tell one person, I will publish here so everyone knows.  Here are the rules:
  1. The token will be placed in an area accessible to everyone.  It will not, for example, be placed in a girl's bathroom, a boy's bathroom, a locker room, or a locked space.
  2. The token will not be placed in a private area such as a teacher's desk, file cabinet, or some similar location
  3. The token will be placed in an area where it will not be likely to be found or disturbed accidentally.  I will check periodically during the course of the challenge to ensure it is still where it should be.
  4. The token will not be placed in a dangerous or bizarre location--I will not hide it where you have to place yourself at any risk to get it.  No climbing, crawling, slithering, or fire walking will be required.
  5. If you find the token, bring it to me for verification.  If you find it, you will win the prize.  If you bring it to me wearing a pirate costume with a parrot on your shoulder, you will win a BIG prize.
  6. Any cadet who exercises poor judgment or violates school rules in pursuit of this prize will be liable to appropriate consequences.  DO NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID. 
Here is your first clue as to its location:  Without one, a goal is but a dream.

Get it?

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