Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Congratulations to Cadets Migliori (the "g" sounds like a "s") and Esquivel who both correctly determined that the puzzle below refers to Jack Spratt.  In fairness, Sam got it first.

Congratulations to Cadet Misliori who provided the correct answer to the previous challenge (the answer, as a couple of other cadets also knew, is Loki).  Here's a new challenge:

Complications arose during an investigation of dietary influence; one researcher was unable to assimilate adipose tissue, and another was unable to consume tissue consisting chiefly of muscle fiber. By a reciprocal arrangement between the two researchers, total consumption of the viands under consideration was achieved, thus leaving the original container of the viands devoid of contents.

The challenge?  Name the nursery rhyme.  This challenge will expire at 0730, Monday, 26 November.

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