Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Congratulations to Cadet Araceli Reyes who solved cadet challenge #4.  Here's the solution:
The captain says he will take 98 coins, and will give one coin to the third most experienced  pirate and another coin to the most junior or newest pirate. If there were 2 pirates, pirate 2 being the most senior, he would just vote for himself and that would be half of the vote, so he's obviously going to keep all the money for himself .If there were 3 pirates, pirate 3 has to convince at least one other person to join in his plan. Pirate 3 would take 99 gold coins and give 1 coin to pirate 1. Pirate 1 knows if he does not vote for pirate 3, then he gets nothing, so he is going to vote for this plan. If there were 4 pirates, pirate 4 would give 1 coin to pirate 2, and pirate 2 knows if he does not vote for pirate 4, then he gets nothing,so he is going to vote for this plan. If there are 5 pirates, pirates 1 & 3 would vote for the captain or they face the chance of getting nothing or risking death. So the captain will have to get 98 coins in order to not risk his life 
This was a tough one.  The next one will be a bit easier.

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