Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Here's a short list of what will hit us soon after the winter break:
  1. The Martin Luther King Drill Meet, 17 January
  2. Senior leadership papers, 21 January
  3. The end of the second marking period, 28 January
  4. Our annual Area Manager's Inspection, 9 February
Are you ready?  There's a pile of other stuff just after all of this--the Military Ball, more drill meets, the orientation trip (if there is one), to name a few.  The rest of the year will pass fast than you can imagine.  For you seniors, get ready to graduate.  For you juniors, get ready to be seniors, apply for college or make other plans for life after high school.  For sophomores and freshmen, get ready to move up and all that moving up implies.  What this means, distilled into the plainest language, is that if you want to be treated as an adult, you must start to act like one.  Good luck with that!

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